Friday, October 10, 2014

Osain - English

Osain, is a orisa that is very important role within the Santeria religion, For he is owner of the ewe, herbs, and medicinal plants that make up our religion. From mythological History we know that Osain was born from no mother or father , But, from the marriage of the earth and water together. He mostly stays to himself do to his appearance. Osain has one leg and one arm. his ears are Asymmetrical, one that is large that he can not hear anything with and a smaller ear that hears even the leaf falling from a tree miles away. His head is extraordinary . Normally he likes to hide his head behind a mask of Paja (Grass). Osain possesses the abilities of hunting but his true ability is the knowing each secret of the herbs and woods.

There is much debate from the santeros who caused Osain's appearance..some say in Battle with Orula and others with Shango .

Osain ,knows all the secrets of the Ewe , also Each orisa possess some ewes that belong only to them , which they use and dispense when realizing a ceremony where they are implicated.

The herbs are for the Santero like a work tool un-substitutable , with the power that emanates from them it is best to be sure of what you are using and why . The produce a spiritual well being as well as corporal. Ewe, is fundamental for whatever ceremony there is within out religion.

  Herbalism within Santeria is a science, With their life giving magical elixir (el Ozain ) is necessary within our ceremonies and those that practice our religion. Without Ozain their are no elekes (collares) , santos de addimu , guerreros nor would we be able to do the highest of all ceremonies which is the coronation or asiento .
For all ceremonies we do within the santeria , there is a presence of Ewe that is needed to give their energy and power . They are the principal ingredient that allows the miracle of life to those that use them properly. One must remember that the herbs (ewes) also have other ingredients and elements are needed in conjunction of prayers and song that makes a true Ozain and turns it into a miracle of life giving properties.